God Is Light

God is light and he does reveal truth he does measure life he does give us a reference point by which the false can be separated from the true.
God is light. To ezekiel ezekiel 1 2 the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the lord was brightness. Do you realize there is a physical disorder caused my lack of light. John s description of god as light in whom there is no darkness at all undergirds the fact of his utter otherness and therefore his inaccessibility to fallen. God s word in general is described as light ps.
During the fall and winter months when the hours of daylight are. Jesus declares that he is the light of the world john 8 12. In taking the light of the gospel to the world we must by necessity reveal things about people that they would rather leave hidden. God is light says 1 john 1 5 and in him is no darkness at all every good gift and every perfect gift is from above declares james 1 17 and cometh down from the father of lights with whom is no variableness neither shadow of turning.
As adopted sons of god we are to reflect his light into a world darkened by sin. In the hebrews hebrews 1 3 christ was the. Best of all he fulfills he glorifies he energizes he vitalizes. Light was god s garment in psalm 104 2.
Light is uncomfortable to those accustomed to the dark john 3 20. This is what has been experienced and observed. It is called seasonal affective disorder s a d. The concept of a close link between light and god or even of some kind of identity between light and the divine runs through many.
Christ had called the sons of god children of the light and announced himself as the light of the world. Holy holy holy is the lord god almighty revelation 4 8. 31 december 2019 gmt 10 most christians are familiar with the proclamation god is love which the apostle john wrote twice in his first letter 1 john 4 8 16. John describes jesus the incarnate word as coming into the world to be the light of men and the true light which gives light to everyone john 1 1 9.
It is caused by a lack of exposure to sunlight which in turn alters a person s brain chemistry. Jesus the sinless son of god is the true light john 1 9. The whole purpose of this book god is in the light is to demonstrate clearly and conclusively that everything is made from energy or light including psyche intelligence quantum consciousness and god. 119 105 but it is the gospel in particular that is the light that reveals god in fullness and brings us into fellowship with him.
God is light we need light just like we need god.