Miller Light Alcohol Content

Of the big three light beers bud light coors light and miller lite miller lite scores the best with 83 38 of calories from alcohol.
Miller light alcohol content. Miller high life is a light american lager that is mass produced by the millercoors brewing company. The company also produces miller genuine draft and miller high life miller lite competes mainly with anheuser busch s bud light and coors brewing company coors light miller lite is the official beer sponsor of the dallas cowboys green bay packers milwaukee brewers. It is a 4 2 abv light beer which is quite common among the people of the united states. Rather than concentrating on the dietary certainties outwardly of the can like other light beers miller lite focuses on what goes inside the can.
Other miller brand beers have alcohol contents in the range between 4 2 and 5 5 percent. Miller lite is a lager light style beer brewed by miller brewing co. Miller lite has an abv of 4 2 percent and miller genuine draft has an abv of 5 percent. It has a higher alcohol content by volume than some other miller beers.
Jack and diet coke for instance is only 195 calories per 12 ounce but 10 alcohol 3oz jack to 9oz diet coke and you get a whopping 98 of the calories from the pure alcohol. The alcohol content of a 12 ounce serving of miller lite beer is 4 2 percent by volume. Miller lite is a 4 2 abv american light pilsner beer sold by molson coors previously millercoors of milwaukee wisconsin.