Light Synonyms

In light of synonyms.
Light synonyms. Corona counterglow candle flame glowing lamplight sunlight firelight friar s lantern radiance moonshine sunshine electromagnetic spectrum gaslight torchlight actinic radiation scintillation daylight ray ignis fatuus fluorescence streamer starlight glow incandescence shaft of light will o the wisp shaft beam of light irradiation half light sun light beam. Another word for light. Another word for light on. Physics electromagnetic radiation that can produce a visual sensation synonyms.
While all these words mean not demanding effort or involving difficulty light stresses freedom from what is burdensome. Illuminate light up brighten turn on switch on floodlight give light to fill sth with light shine upon furnish sth with light flood sth with light throw light upon. Brightness illumination luminosity luminescence ray of light collins english thesaurus. Top synonyms for light other words for light are daylight lightweight and bright.
Top synonyms for in light of other words for in light of are in view of in the light of and in consideration of.