Light Pink Color

People associate the color with.
Light pink color. Ffb6c1 color name is light pink color. Although this color is called light pink as can be ascertained by inspecting its hex code it is actually a slightly deeper not a lighter tint of pink than the color pink itself. Whereas in a cmyk color space it is composed of 0 cyan 28 6 magenta 24 3 yellow and 0 black. Ffb6c1 color rgb value is 255 182 193.
A more accurate name for it in terms of traditional color nomenclature. It is often described as a feminine color perhaps due to associations people form during early childhood. Fortunately there are plenty of great colors that go with light pink as long as you know how to properly pair them for the best effect. Likewise pink is relative rare in nature and is primarily associated with flowers.
Light pink palettes with color ideas for decoration your house wedding hair or even nails. Ffb6c1 hex color red value is 255 green value is 182 and the blue value of its rgb is 193. Cylindrical coordinate representations also known as hsl of color ffb6c1 hue. 1 00 and the lightness value of ffb6c1 is 0 86.
The color psychology of pink. Pink is a composite color that results from tints of red or red mixed with blue or orange pink is historically rare as it wasn t a popular color for dye or paint until the 18th century. Girls toys are usually pink and purple while boys toys are often red yellow green or blue. In a rgb color space hex ffb6c1 also known as light pink is composed of 100 red 71 4 green and 75 7 blue.
At right is displayed the web color light pink the name of the web color is written as lightpink no space in html for computer display.