Latin Word For Light

To go away retire depart from life die.
Latin word for light. This list covers the letter l see list of latin phrases for the main list. Latin words for light include lux lumen levis lucem lucis lumine luminis inlumino luce and luci. This page lists english translations of notable latin phrases such as veni vidi vici and et cetera some of the phrases are themselves translations of greek phrases as greek rhetoric and literature reached its peak centuries before the rise of ancient rome. Cognates include ancient greek λευκός leukós white blank light bright clear ancient greek λύκη lúkē light morning twilight sanskrit र चत rocate middle persian 𐭩𐭥𐭬 rōz day and old english lēoht noun english light.
Learning latin will help build your vocabulary and can help you learn romance. Many words in the english language are derived from latin. What is the latin word for light. The archaic form in latin is leuks and later.
Angel of light would be angelum lucis.