Hard Light

Hard light alternatively spelled hard light or hardlight and more formally identified as a boson photon field is a forerunner technology that allows light to be transformed into a solid state capable of bearing weight and performing a variety of tasks.
Hard light. There is a negligible transition from light to dark. Hard light adalah cahaya yang umumnya berasal dari sumber cahaya yang relatif lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan ukuran objek yang akan difoto karakter dari bayangan yang dihasilkan juga relatif terlihat kuat dan jelas serta memiliki bagian atau area yang umumnya dikenal dengan istilah shadow edge transfer yang relatif pendek shadow edge transfer adalah daerah atau area transisi perpindahan. The hard light is a exotic auto rifle that is making a return from the original destiny title. It is an experimental prototype weapon based on recovered golden age technology developed by specialist exo engineers from omolon and at least one thanatonaut.
That is the shadows produced will have harder edges with less transition between illumination and shadow. Hard light hard light creates shadows with a sharp edge. Players can obtain this through rewards or an exotic engram. For example fresnel lights can be focused such that their shadows can be cut with crisp shadows.
Solid light often referred to in media as hard light or hard light is a hypothetical material made of light in a solidified state theoretically it is possible to make such a material and there are claims this material was already made including claims from mit and harvard. The harder the nightfall and the higher your score the better you re supposed to see catalyst drops rates but i m not 100. Hard light is a high tech exotic energy auto rifle in destiny. Hard light is one of few guns in destiny franchise with virtually no damage fall off from rounds fired from the weapon.
Hard light is created by strongly focussed light travelling from a small or relatively small single point light source like the sun a focussed beam of light or an undiffused light bulb. This involves an as yet unexplained interplay between coherent high energy light and gas particles such as air. The hard light catalyst drops from strikes and nightfalls. Hard light sources cast shadows whose appearance of the shadow depends on the lighting instrument.
One of the iconic and frustrating quirks about. Some think the space combat genre died at the end of the 20th century after the commercial failure of a game called freespace 2.