Friday Night Lights Book Summary

Friday night lights study guide contains a biography of h g.
Friday night lights book summary. The permian panthers have a big winning tradition in texas high school football led by qb mike winchell and superstar tailback boobie miles but all is not well as boobie suffers a career ending injury in the first game of the. A town a team and a dream. Complete summary of buzz bissinger s friday night lights. The publication date of the non fiction book is1990.
Located in odessa near the much larger and more affluent city of midland and in the middle of west texas oil country permian high. Bissinger literature essays quiz questions major themes characters and a full summary and analysis. A town a team and a dream. Later the book became the basis for a movie and a television series.
First published in 1990 the book later became a movie and a television series. Enotes plot summaries cover all the significant action of friday night lights. A modern alternative to sparknotes and cliffsnotes supersummary offers high quality study guides that feature detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes characters quotes and essay topics. In friday night lights reporter and writer buzz bissinger from philadelphia moves with his family to west texas during the 1988 permian high school football season bissinger intends to document that team s ups and downs as it pursues a state championship.
Racially divided and economically dying there is one night that gives the town something to live for. Bissinger literature essays quiz questions major themes characters and a full summary and analysis. Friday night lights summary. Friday night lights offers important messages dealing with small town life community football family and the future.
Thanks for exploring this supersummary plot summary of friday night lights by buzz bissinger. Bissinger the book follows the story of the 1988 permian high school panthers football team from odessa texas as they made a run towards the texas state championship while originally intended to be a hoosiers type chronicle of high school sports holding together a small town the book ended up being. Friday night lights study guide contains a biography of h g.