Faster Than Light Soundtrack

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Faster than light soundtrack. Faster than light faster than light music for your brain and your body. Faster than light soundtrack package info. Each interactive track from the game has been split into its two parts both of which are complete tracks in their own right. This is the complete soundtrack to ftl.
The title song for the kickstarter funded indie game ftl. Think of it like a 2 disc set. Composed by ben prunty space cruise title milkyway explore civil explore cosmos explore deepspace explore debris explore mantis explore engi explore colonial explore wasteland explore rockmen explore void explore zoltan explore bonus federationmilkyway battle civil. Please support the developer by.
Organization released 10 december 2017 1. Find all 29 songs in ftl. Faster than light soundtrack 3 99 add all dlc to cart. Original soundtrack to ftl.
Original game 0 01 space cruise title theme 3 57 milky way explore 6 33 milky way battle 9 13 civil explore 11 53 civil battle. I do not own any rights to ftl. Tracks 1 14 are the low key relaxing explore pieces while tracks 15 29 make up the exciting fast paced battle music. About this game ftl is now available in 9 languages.
One of the soundtracks for the kickstarter funded indie game ftl. Faster than light soundtrack with scene descriptions. Faster than light ftl. Visit tunefind for music from your favorite tv shows and movies.
Content for this game browse all. 13 98 add to cart. Music times are in the description.