California Lights In The Sky

The mysterious lights were spotted in southern orange.
California lights in the sky. If you ve looked up at the night sky recently you might have been surprised to see a train of bright lights moving. A mysterious streak of light seen moving across the southern california sky saturday night was revealed to be an unarmed missile test. A mysterious bright light that streaked across the sky over southern california lighting up social media wednesday night remains a mystery a day later. Last night a mysterious light lit up the skies over california leaving people as far east as louisiana perplexed.
A line of unusual lights has been spotted hovering in the night sky with witnesses from both the us and mexico claiming to have seen them. Mike hankey operations manager with the. Several witnesses have shared their videos online from the sight on march 31. Another 80 miles down the coast another video emerged of the same lights over san diego.
Mysterious light seen in california sky identified as meteor for viewers convinced the spectacle in the sky was from another world you weren t so far off. The map also shows the phases of the moon and all solar and lunar eclipses. Again the lights seemed to hover in a straight line. What was that weird blue glow in the sky.
Use it to locate a planet the moon or the sun and track their movements across the sky. One video that uploaded to the mutual ufo network showed four orbs appearing to change color above laguna beach in california then another light then appears as the objects hovering in a perfect line. The pentagon said it was a scheduled missile test. One video posted to the mutual ufo network shows four orbs appearing to change colour above laguna beach in california.
A mysterious light in the sky was seen from los angeles to san francisco wednesday night. Starlink satellites seen after the first launch in may 2019.